The true meaning of loyalty

The magical word for today is “loyalty,” which is defined by Mr. Webster as “allegiance, faithfulness, obedience or devotion.”

I have discovered in my 58 years that loyalty is overrated and very tricky.

For example, I had a very loyal employee once.

This guy would go the extra mile in order to please me and I of course, in return, would reward him with special treatment or “favor” when it came to

things like overtime or days off, etc.

It was a pretty good relationship until he felt things were not going his way each and every time he needed something.

He was quick to remind me of his extreme loyalty and perhaps my lack of rewarding him for his allegiance.

Another man I know told me a familiar story about running into his old church pastor who would always address him as “brother Oscar.”

After his divorce Oscar no longer attended the same church as he felt there was still friction with his ex-wife.

Well, he was now addressed as plain old, everyday.

“Oscar.” His loyalty to his church and God was suddenly in question.

Like I said, loyalty is a tricky thing and usually comes with strings attached.

I am reminded of this every election cycle when the Democrats and Republicans are asking for “loyalty” from their flock.

Unless we treat each other fairly and openly, with dignity and respect, loyalty means nothing. It is often just a tool or tactic that is used to get us what we want.

Ramiro Ochoa Santa Rosa