Writers’ Forum creates space for creatives

SAN BENITO — Calling all writers.

The first Tuesday of every month, writers and readers alike gather at the San Benito Public Library to share ideas, writings and passions.

Dr. Enriqueta Ramos is in charge of the Writers’ Forum which hosts writers of all ages and backgrounds.

Ramos said the forum is a way for writers to share their works that would otherwise go unread.

“This gets people to start writing and this way they can share their writings,” Ramos said.

Writers have the opportunity to workshop stories and essays they are currently working on or share published writings they admired.

“We listen to the new writers who have written recently and want to share their experience,” Ramos said. “It’s not required to be a writer to join the forum. You can just be a listener.”

Ramos uses cultural holidays to celebrate and emphasize writings from around the world.

“We try to make it so everybody understands the different cultures and why people write,” Ramos said.

Guest speakers from all over the world are invited to share their work during the forum and talk about their experience as writers.

According to Ramos, the forum began 17 years ago when an Austin-based writer stopped by a local pub and started talking to some locals.

This conversation started a forum that would be hosted at the Narisco Martinez Cultural Arts Center before finding a home at the public library.

Ramos said she has seen many writers from the forum go on and publish books.

Forums average a dozen participants depending on the event’s activities.

Participants’ ages range anywhere from 16 years old to 86 years old.

No matter the age, Ramos wants to inspire writers to get the word out about their work.

“We hope more and more people come and more than anything we hope to encourage them to write,” Ramos said.

If You Go

WHAT: Writers’ Forum

WHEN: First Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m.

WHERE: San Benito Public Library, 101 W Rose Street