Got tax questions? Info series to provide some answers

SAN BENITO — Tax season is just around the corner and for many it can be a daunting time.

To help make it as easy and painless as possible, the San Benito Chamber of Commerce is partnering up with Wycotax, tomorrow, to host a tax seminar.

The seminar is part of the Chamber’s “Coffee With” series.

Sandee Alvarez, executive director of the San Benito Chamber of Commerce said Wycotax first contacted the chamber about the possibility of hosting a tax seminar.

Alvarez said Wycotax representatives regularly attend Chamber events and reach out to the community frequently.

“I think it’s very important and I am excited to host them,” Alvarez said.

According to Bryan Martinez from Wycotax, the seminar is part of a tour that Wycotax is doing around the Valley to provide residents with information on filing their taxes.

The seminar, “Am I a Dependent” will provide information on claiming dependents.

Martinez said there is a lot of misinformation about who people can and can’t claim when filing their taxes.

People often don’t know the different types of dependents and lose out on money when they fail to claim them,” Martinez said.

Information on who qualifies as a dependent and special types of dependents will be available.

Martinez said Wycotax will also go over new tax laws and regulations that individuals and small businesses should be aware of.

The goal of the seminar is to teach the public on how to correctly file their taxes and teach them who they can and can’t claim as dependents.

If You Go

WHAT: Coffee with Wycotax, “Am I a Dependent”

WHEN: 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., Tomorrow

WHERE: San Benito Chamber of Commerce, 223 S. Sam Houston Blvd.