Tax bill a Christmas gift

The Senate and House have now passed their respective tax bills.

Once Congress sends a final package to the White House, President Trump will deliver us the most powerful tax relief we’ve seen in three decades.

Small business owners like me — and the millions

of employees who depend on us — couldn’t ask for a better Christmas present.

For years, our nation’s job creators have been inundated with high tax rates and complex filing costs.

Many small business owners are taxed at individual rates, which can reach 40 percent at the federal level.

Throw in state and local taxes, and these job creators are often left sending 50 percent of their income to Uncle Sam.

The Republican tax plan allows them to keep more of their hardearned money, freeing up resources for

business expansion and job creation. America is home to nearly 30 million small businesses, which employ roughly 60 million workers — half of the U.S. workforce.

Tax cuts would encourage job creators to hire even more Americans.

When small business succeeds, we all succeed. Let’s ring in the New Year with pro-growth tax cuts.

Joseph Semprevivo President and CEO, Joseph’s Lite Cookies Sebastian, Florida