Tejano heroes should be remembered

Texas history has long forgotten Tejano heroes who fought for Texas independence from Mexico in 1836, such as 2nd Lieutenant Ambrosio Rodriguez.

On April 21, 1836, Rodriguez marched with Capt. Juan Seguin’s company of Tejanos in Texas General Sam Houston’s army to help win the Battle of San Jacinto against the Mexican General Santa Ana’s army.

No one knew that Rodriguez was keeping a family secret that day of the battle because his first cousin, Mariano Rodriguez, was in Santa Ana’s army, serving in the paymaster corp.

Rodriguez also contributed during the war for Texas independence when he became the first Tejano in Capt. Seguin’s company to warn Lt.

Col. Travis that General Santa Ana had crossed the Rio Grande River about 150 miles south of Laredo in the dead of winter, after being informed from his wife’s family in Laredo.

Although Travis did not believe Rodriguez, Capt. Seguin did and decided to send Jose Cassiano, a San Antonio merchant, to spy for Texas, as well as send his best Tejano scout, Blas Herrera, to patrol the Laredo area for Santa Ana*s army.

Although both reported to Seguin that General Santa Ana’s army had indeed crossed the Rio Grande River and was marching to San Antonio, Col. Travis still refused to believe their reports.

Texas independence from Mexico was achieved because of the contributions from our brave Texas heroes and our brave Tejano heroes, such as Ambrosio Rodriguez, who were willing to fight and die for Texas.

Jack Ayoub Harlingen