Meeting to benefit business owners

SAN BENITO — Own a business downtown that is in need of a few upgrades, or maybe you are looking to open a new business?

The San Benito Economic Development Corporation will host a meeting this week to inform business owners of new grants that are available.

Earlier this month, city commissioners approved funds for two separate grant programs designed to benefit development downtown.

The meeting will provide information about each grant and the application process.

It is open to the public and is an opportunity for business owners and community members to ask questions about requirements for the grants and about the grants themselves.

Two grants that are currently being offered are the Downtown Commercial Façade Grant Program and the Downtown Rent Subsidy Grant Program.

The Downtown Commercial Façade Grant Program offers a 50 percent reimbursement for improving store fronts.

There are three versions to this program.

One grant will provide up to $10,000 to improve entrances to buildings.

A grant for a new sign will provide up to $500 and a grant for new paint will offer up to $5,000.

Rachel Siller, the city’s Economic Development Coordinator, said the program is a way for the EDC to promote new and current businesses.

“Our Façade Grant Program was established to provide an opportunity for the EDC to assist potential and existing downtown business owners and operates to improve their storefronts and to bring shoppers back to that area,” Siller said.

The Downtown Rent Subsidy Grant Program helps business owners with rent, providing six months of rent not to exceed more than $5,000.

“We hope to entice new tenants by assisting with rent opening a new location downtown,” Siller said.

Siller said the grants will create a diverse and vibrant downtown business district and promote job creation.

Those interested in applying for the grants must be current on personal and business property taxes and sales tax payments.

Sets of guidelines for potential applicants can be found on the San Benito Economic Development Corporation website.

Applications for the grants are due Dec. 1.


WHAT: Informational Meeting

WHEN: Tuesday, Nov. 28, 4 p.m.

WHERE: Caesar Gonzalez Meeting Hall, 401 N. Sam Houston Blvd.

To apply for a grant visit