UTRGV Campus Programming Board garners top regional award for 2017

BY Vicky Brito

The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley’s Campus Programming Board was named the 2017 Programming Board of the Year of the South Central Region by the Association for Promoting Campus Activities.

The announcement was made at the 2017 Fall South Central Campus Activities Planning Conference held in Houston in late October.

UTRGV was selected against schools from Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas. This is the first time UTRGV has received this recognition.

“This award is a testament to how hard the Campus Programming Board has worked in providing a well-rounded university experience by promoting student involvement and campus traditions,” said Daniela Venegas, student program advisor for CPB.

“CPB is one of the organizations that programs different events on campus in order to provide a sense of belonging and overall student success. Our students in CPB are volunteers, and seeing the passion, effort and hard work they put in to the organization, and the results that brings, is really rewarding,” she said.

The CPB is a student-run organization funded by student fees, with the mission to create a social environment that provides a sense of belonging, cultural activities and school spirit through campus events.


The APCA hosts leadership development workshops and campus events planning conferences by offering top of the line educational sessions, exhibit halls and live showcases. The mission of APCA is to promote campus engagement through quality educational experiences, affordable entertainment and community service initiatives.