Writer mistaken

In my opinion, Mr. S. Perez’s letter in your Nov. 24, 2017, VMS described past President Obama, not our President Trump.

He states that the USA is a Christian nation and that President Trump is removing reference to us as a Christian Nation. I remember Obama as being quoted that: “… the USA is not a Christian nation …”

I am not sure what he meant by “Payton Place” President, but to my mind, Bill Clinton with all his women and Monica Lewinski appeared to be much closer to things that allegedly took place in “Payton Place.”

President Trump, in my opinion, has done much more to support allegiance to God, to family, and to the United States than any and all of the past Democratic Administrations and their Judicial appointees that want to remove all aspects of Christianity from the USA like denying the display of Christmas decorations in public places and reference to our Christian and Jewish heritage.

Larry Wheelock Raymondville