Turkey on Hold: Black Friday shoppers delay Thanksgiving celebrations

BROWNSVILLE — For many people, waiting in line for hours in front of a Best Buy to get a television at a good price is part of their Thanksgiving tradition.

They get the deals first and eat turkey later.

Several stores, including JCPenney, Best Buy and Target had lines of people waiting to get the best deals.

JCPenney opened at 2 p.m. Thursday, and a line started forming around 4 a.m. People were making a line to receive a gift card that could range from $5 to $500. JCPenney also had TVs and game consoles on sale.

Maria Del Angel was the first one waiting in line at JCPenney and hoped to receive the $500 gift card.

Although she wanted to get the $500 card, Del Angel said it didn’t matter what amount her gift card had because she wanted to have a good time with her friends and family.

Pamela Arreta, who also had been in the JCPenney line since 11 a.m., said this was her first time shopping during Black Friday.

“I’m just here to see what I can buy, but I don’t have anything special (in mind),” Arreta said. “There will be a lot of people and it will be crowded, that’s why I never came before, but it’s a good opportunity.”

Over at Best Buy, people have been in line days before the store opened at 5 p.m. Thursday. Dayna Richardson and her family had been camping out in front of the store since Monday.

After shopping at Best Buy, they expected to go shopping at other stores and then head home afterward to eat a Thanksgiving meal. They have been doing so for the past three years.

“(The best part) is the good deals on the appliances. It’s worth the wait,” Richardson said.