Summit highlights HUD money

Nonprofit organizations interested in learning how to obtain funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development will want to attend the fifth annual Community Development Summit today at the Brownsville Event Center.

Nonprofit organizations interested in learning how to obtain funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development will want to attend the fifth annual Community Development Summit today at the Brownsville Event Center.

Marina Zolezzi, director of the city of Brownsville’s office of grant management and community development, said the event is for nonprofits serving Brownsville residents to learn about HUD funding opportunities through its Community Development Block Grant program, Emergency Solutions Grant, and HOME Investment Partnership Program.

While cities often use CDBG money for capital projects, nonprofits can use those types of funds for public or social services, she said.

The HOME program, meanwhile, provides funds for things like housing rehabilitation and down payment assistance for low-income residents.

“So we invite community CHDO’s — housing development organizations — to apply for funds from HOME,” Zolezzi said.

Finally, the Emergency Solutions Grant has money for organizations that provide services such as emergency shelter, paid re-housing and street outreach,” she said. The Ozanam Center Inc. and Friendship of Women are two of the city’s emergency shelter providers that have received ESG money, Zolezzi said. HUD also provides funds for nonprofits such as the BrownsvilleLiteracyCenter and Sunshine Haven, she said.

“The funding is available as long as it’s for activities that are eligible and the focus is on low-income individuals and other vulnerable populations,” Zolezzi said.

The CDBG program typically has the most funds available — more than $2.5 million for Brownsville in 2017-2018, while the HOME program is making available about $660,000 and the ESG more than $220,000 for the same period, she said.

Zolezzi said the city is just now receiving its HUD funding for 2017-2018 and that today’s summit kicks off the 2018-2019 funding cycle.

“The main point is awareness,” she said of the event. “There are a lot of nonprofits that are not aware of funding that’s available. This is a great way to expose to them that.”

Community Development Summit


Brownsville Event Center, 1 Events Center Blvd.

Registration: 8:30 a.m. to 9 a.m.

Summit: 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.