Letter: Not so fair after all

To the Editor:

A couple of items of interest.

I agree with Mr. Schwanke. The Star’s reporting on missing La Feria money reflected badly on Mr. Philip. It matters little whether he responded or not. If there was a correction I missed it.

Today’s paper carried a local article regarding the DACA folks. While not totally inaccurate, the reporter’s let stand the idea the problems are the fault of President Trump.

The fact is President Obama in a constitutional overreach created an issue which ought to have been left to Congress. President Trump simply put the ball into Congress’s court where it should have been all along.

The local Congressman (another writer recently called him “potty mouth”( I love it) reacted in a manner as expected, another attack on the President and continued his assertions the President is at fault.

I didn’t notice a mention of when he and others plan to face their responsibilities and tend to the nation’s business.

Likely your reporters wouldn’t ask the Congressman such a question.

George Geil
