SBCISD to debut new website

SAN BENITO — The school district website is going to look different come Monday.

SBCISD will launch its newly-designed site next week as part of its five-year strategic plan.

The website was last updated in 2011 when the district moved its site to the popular blogging platform, WordPress.

According to technology director Lee Pena, the site will change platforms to Edlio, a cloud-based service provider that will allow users to access the site in the event the district’s system is ever down.

“In the past, if our systems were down, so was the website,” Pena said.

Pena and Webmaster Dulce Quiroz have overseen the transition to make sure nothing is lost in the switch between platforms.

Pena said all the same information will still be on the site.

“Everything that is there is important and will remain available to our users,” Pena said.

The change is a part of the public relations and communications portion of the ReImagine strategic plan.

Director of communications Celia Longoria said the team initially had trouble with the transition, but everything is in working order.

“We are ahead of the game where the strategic plan is concerned,” Longoria said.

Longoria said the new website will have a cleaner and neater look that will be easier to navigate.

“It’s just something that has been in the works for some time,” Longoria said.

The new website will also have a mobile app version, making it easier for users to view the site on different platforms.

Individuals assigned to update their department’s webpage have been undergoing training for Edlio.

“We’ve been told it is easier to work with,” Longoria said.

The website was supposed to have premiered last week, but due to Hurricane Harvey the district put those plans on pause.

“There are a lot of people and community members that look to the website for information, so we couldn’t change it at the time,” Longoria said.

She said it worked out seeing as the premiere of the website will coincide with Dr. Nate Carmen’s first day as superintendent.