Trying to make a point

In his “Reflecting on values” letter, Ken Cantine wrote, “I enjoy the comments of the rabid Mr. Rodriguez.”

Because Mr. Cantine gave zero explanation for that comment, I assume it has to do with my Bible beliefs, my faith in Christ, and/or that the truth offends him.

Mr. Cantine further stated, “In his recent commentary, he opens with the statement that there are two sides to every story.

His writings reflect a different story.”

This is what I actually wrote, “The saying goes, ‘There are two sides to every story, then there’s the truth.’” That being the case, it becomes virtually impossible for any American that is dependent on the mainstream media for their news to know what the truth might be on any given topic.”

You tell me, was Ken Cantine deceptive, was he honest in quoting what I actually wrote?

The following is a perfect example of how there are two sides to every story, and how the American public gets one-sided news.

From the 8/21/2017, Associated Press, Today in History section of the VMS: In 1992, an 11 day siege began at the cabin of white separatist Randy Weaver in Ruby Ridge, Idaho, as government agents tried to arrest Weaver for failing to appear in court on charges of selling two sawed off shotguns; on the first day of the siege, Weaver’s son, Samuel, and Deputy U.S. Marshall William Degan were killed.”

When I read the Wikipedia Ruby Ridge article some time last year, I was stunned to find out what actually happened.

Federal Agents, for lack of a better word, framed Randy Weaker for refusing to become a government informant.

Conveniently not mentioned in the AP piece is that Randy Weaver’s wife was shot in the head and killed by a government sniper on the second day of the 11 day siege.

Mrs. Weaver was shot as she stood in the doorway of the family cabin, while holding her 10 month old daughter, Elishiba, in her arms.

Randy Weaver was also shot and wounded. The Weaver’s dog was shot and killed by Federal Agents as well.

In the end, Randy Weaver was acquitted of the charges against him, and received a $3.1 million settlement after he sued the Federal Government.

According to some accounts, the sum could’ve been $100 million.

At one time in my life I was like most people. I figured, if it’s in the news, it has to be true.

I’ve learned that’s not the case.

Because we get one-sided news, I would suggest that every American who believes the media and everything they hear or read to take the time to search out the truth on any given topic.

Take the time to read the Wikipedia Ruby Ridge article for yourselves. What happened to the Weavers can happen to anyone.

BTW, many of the Federal Agents involved at Ruby Ridge also took part in the 1993 Branch Dividian siege in Waco.

N. Rodriguez Harlingen