Do we get our tax dollars back?

Interesting comments and divided opinions regarding Trumpcare had me thinking.

Our federal income taxes pay for the current Affordable Care Act.

Therefore, I pose this question: Since these funds will no longer be spent for their intended purpose and the funds no longer used for various programs, will we, the tax payers, see a decrease in our federal income tax withholdings?

I located a breakdown of how much of our federal income taxes goes to these (medicare, VA, etc) and are located in our W-2 forms.: Box 6: Medicare tax withheld. This number is the 1.45% of your gross pay that went to support the federal Medicare program (or more if your income exceeded certain levels).

Medicare is one of the largest single purchasers of health benefits in the world.

Box 2: Federal income tax withheld. Roughly a quarter of this supports health programs, including Medicare, Medicaid, children’s health insurance, military andVA health care, and federal employee health care.

Do we assume that we will not be taxed for these “unfunded” items?

I can then use my additional untaxed income to donate to the charities of my choice? Right?

If these federal income taxes will be diverted to other programs or government offices, will we be asked our opinions?

Will these excess funds be used to benefit “all the people?”

Your opinion please. Sounds like something we need to ask our Congressmen and Senators.

Dora Sanchez Harlingen