Sea Turtle Inc.’s interns explain their work

SOUTH PADRE ISLAND — Alexandra Alterman was one of the interns who found the first sea turtle nest in the state this season, and it marked the earliest known time a sea turtle had laid its eggs on the beach.

That was way back in March.

“We were going out to train with three other interns and we ended up finding the first Kemp’s ridley sea turtle nest of the season on the way back from the jetties,” Alterman said.

“We were ecstatic, and it made for a real memorable and exciting day for us.”

It was their first day on the job scanning the shoreline for nests and injured turtles.

She and the rest of the interns would go on to work a record-setting year for finding sea turtle nests along the Island and Boca Chica beach.

The interns come from around the country. They work for a daily stipend and are provided housing on South Padre Island.

Recently, they presented to the community all their research and showed those in attendance the projects they worked on for the past five months.

The interns talked about their highlights — specifically about the educational kiosk for the new Sea Turtle Inc. building, historical distribution of sea turtle nests on SPI and Boca Chica, human and natural disturbances and enrichment devices for resident turtles.

Alterman will finish her internship at Sea Turtle Inc. next month along with the eight other interns who have worked together to assist Sea Turtle Inc.’s effort to preserve the endangered species.

“It’s great to see the development of Sea Turtle Inc.,” said Catheline Frolehich, UTRGV marine researcher. “The intern projects keep getting better and better.”

Frolehich, a research associate for UTRGV artificial reefs, said this year is the strongest group of interns she has seen working for Sea Turtle Inc.

She said each of the projects the interns presented were fantastic.

“Everybody was dutifully impressed with all the work they did,” said Jeff George, Sea Turtle Inc. executive director. “They are the future of marine conservation.”

George called the group of interns the best and the brightest the country has to offer.

“It lets the community see how much work the interns put into work in this community,” George said about the intern presentations.

Sea Turtle Inc. internship requirements

* Applicants must be studying in or a graduate of a biological science at a university or college.

* Undergraduate applicants must be of junior standing or higher.

* U.S. citizenship or paperwork to work in the U.S. is required.

* Applicants must be 18 years of age or older and hold a valid driver’s license.

* Interns must be comfortable working in adverse weather conditions including high winds, direct sunlight, high heat and humidity.