Ending the ‘Summer Slide’: San Benito schools encourage community to read

HARLINGEN — The goal is to read 5,000 books this summer.

Students and the community are encouraged to read thousands of books to collectively reach the goal set by the school district and community partners.

Those who attended April’s parental involvement conference received Kindle Fires, creating opportunities for their children to use these devices or any device that can connect to the Internet to access a website called myON.

The website houses more than 6,000 books.

By using the myON site, students and the community can remain engaged and obtain access to thousands of books.

The online database that is used by school districts all over the state allows children to pick and choose what kind of books they want to read.

“It enhances and bolsters support for what we already have,” said Superintendent Dr. Adrian Vega. “It fills in the hole and gives families access to thousands of books.”

The district launched this initiative as a way to combat the summer slide. Now, it has turned into a bigger and more expansive initiative, enlisting not only students to read but the community as well.

Whether it’s a cell phone, a tablet, an iPad, or laptop, these devices can be used from home or a number of community sites with available WiFi for the public to use.

The community collaborating took some planning. City partners, including the public library, the San Benito Boys and Girls Club and the Diamantina Ortega-Bennett Community Building in Los Indios are all community partners prepared to serve the people in this endeavor.

Local restaurants and establishments have offered free WiFi to customers who want to download books to their online library.

Students will log on and take an assessment to determine their reading level and interests.

From there, students will also get notification — after they finish a book — of other books “you might also like.”

“Research shows that if kids read at least five books over the summer, that helps deter the summer slide,” Vega said.

School leaders assure the online database will coincide with the summer school program for those who are having trouble reading and need to be part of an intensive program.

The online database also has the ability to read to the students, helping with language development.

It has the ability to slow down and speed up the reading, giving readers total control.

For students, the district can also track the progress they make while reading.

If students go on vacation but have access to the Internet, they will be able to log on and download books.

How to login

Students – How to login

– Go to http://www.myon.com and select Log In Now button

– Enter school name: students will enter their school and select from the list

– Enter username: this is the student’s email address

– Enter password: student’s identification number

Community – How to log in

– Go to http://www.myon.com and select Log In Now button

– Enter the following information:

— School name: San Benito CISD Community

— Username: sanbenito

— Password: hounds