TSTC Employee Spotlight: Linda Ramon

BY Amanda Sotelo

Linda Ramon is described as a person with great energy and determination, has been with Texas State Technical College for 16 years, works as a staff assistant in the department of online learning and is TSTC’s June Employee Spotlight honoree.

“I’m so happy. This award was unexpected,” said the 55-year-old. “I’m very appreciative of my colleagues for nominating me.”

The Carrizo Springs native is not only an employee of TSTC, but also an alumna. She first graduated in 1982, when TSTC was still TSTI, with a certificate in Automated Office Technology. Ramon then returned and earned an associate degree in 2001 in Business Office Technology.

Ramon grew up knowing that education was important. She recalls her mother always telling her that she needed to graduate from high school and earn a college degree. It was always a promise she wanted to keep.

“My mom has passed now, but I still want to make her proud and show her that I took her advice to heart,” she said. “I also want this to be a good example for my children. They need to see that it’s never too late to make your dreams come true.”

Ramon hopes to get a bachelor’s degree in business administration in the near future.

It is this desire for education and willingness to always lend a hand that her colleagues say make her deserving of this award.

One comment on her certificate read, “Linda Ramon works great with students…she is patient and takes her time to answer all of their questions.”

Another reads, “Linda is always a team player and lends her knowledge in any way she can. TSTC is a great place to work because of Linda…she helps build a strong TSTC.”

Ramon explains that she knew TSTC was the place she needed to be since working at the campus as a student worker.

“I can see myself retiring from TSTC,” said Ramon. “I love this place, it’s a family.”

TSTC prides itself on being a great place to work. For more information on job opportunities go online at tstc.edu/about/employment.