Meddling in digital world

I wonder what gave congress the authority to put everything on the internet.

Doctors were forced to put their records via digital means by congress’s authority.

The result was that the United States Olympic Committee’s medical records of athletes were hacked.

I am sure “The Geek” squad was not called on to voice their opinion on laws to put records or anything on the internet.

I would not be surprised if Hillary’s computer expert was called on as an expert witness on this. Now to top it off, the Democratic Party wants us to vote via the internet.

What good are laws on internet security when the only ones who obey them are law abiding citizens; these laws are just as effective as gun control laws.

They don’t apply to criminals! I really think Moscow doesn’t care about elections in the RGV!

I would not be surprised if some hacker says that if their candidate is not declared the winner then votes will end up in cyber-dust!

After what happens in Europe it really makes me wonder why congress wants to meddle into computers and the digital world.

Abel Garcia San Benito