Following laws – Clinton vs. Abbott

The Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution (Article 6, Section 2) dictates that all state and local governments have to follow all federal laws.

In 1996, former President Bill Clinton signed the “Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act – IIRIRA (Public law 104-208)” It made it illegal for any immigrant to be in this country without proper documentation.

In 2000, he signed another law called the “Bringing In and Harboring Certain Aliens Law (8 USC 1325).” It made it illegal for any person with knowledge or reckless disregard of the alien’s illegal immigration status to conceal, harbor or shield from detection an alien in any place in the country.

Recently, many people in Texas and the rest of the country are in an uproar because Gov. Greg Abbott signed into law Senate Bill 4, more commonly known as the Anti-Sanctuary City law.

SB4 will require local government and law enforcement officials follow all federal immigration laws and detainer requests dealing with illegal immigrants charged with crimes.

It puts civil and criminal penalties if any of these officials do not follow this new law. It takes effect on Sept. 1, 2017.

Who is the real culprit dealing with the illegal immigration mess – President Clinton or Texas Gov. Abbott?

You decide based on the facts.

Silvestre Moreno Jr. Mercedes