Are you informed about college?

SAN BENITO — For the last year, the school district has implemented plans to emphasize the importance of academic preparedness, specifically college readiness in their students and parents.

One of the main goals in the Re-Imagine 2021 Five-Year Strategic Plan is the belief secondary education is possible for all students.

To gain better feedback and access the needs of the community, the school district has uploaded a survey, specifically geared toward parents.

All parents are encouraged to take this survey. They will have until April 28 to complete it. Last month, students were given a similar survey.

Last week, Raul J. Treviño Executive Director for Leadership & Performance, presented the student survey findings to the school board.

The post secondary readiness survey was completed by students in grade eight through 12 via the district website.

More than half, about 77 percent of those students completed the survey.

Not only did it give the district insight into what the student knew about higher education but according to Trevino they need to know more.

Now it’s the parent’s turn to do the same.

The questions range in topics. The survey is multiple choice asking how much parents really know about their children’s college requirements, entrance exams and financial aid.

Specifically, the major question on all these topics is, “has anyone at your child’s school ever discussed this with you.”

“The questions we have in these surveys were gathered from a plethora of other surveys on different school-related topics and the committee put together,” Trevino said.

Once the surveys have been the completed, the results will be compiled for district data analysis purposes.

Participation by campus in the student survey

• 100 percent of eighth grade students at all middle schools

• 84 percent of ninth-grade Veterans Memorial Academy students

• 61 percent of 10th-graders at San Benito High School

• 56 percent of 11th-graders at San Benito High School

• 58 percent of 12th-grader at San Benito High School

Results from student survey

• 85 percent agree they are not afraid to as repeated questions about the classes they need to take to prepare for college and career.

• 66 percent agree they know where to go for help to learn more about college.

• 70 percent disagree they have visited several colleges and can describe the qualities they are looking for in a college.

• 64 percent agree they feel like they have a good understanding of what is required in college classes.

• 67 percent disagree they know how to apply for admission to college.

• 53 percent disagree they know the admission test required for college applicants.

• 72 percent disagree they know how to apply for financial aid and student loans.

• 81 percent agree they know what they want to study in college.

• 67 percent agree they have a back up in place in the case the field they are considering doesn’t work out.

• 97 percent of students say their families support them in their decision to go to college.

Survey link: