Contractors to level convention center site with dirt

HARLINGEN — Got dirt?

The city needs to level part of the eight-acre site on which the $14.8 million convention center will stand.

“There’s going to be fill,” Assistant City Manager Carlos Sanchez said yesterday. “I don’t know the extent of the fill.”

The city expects to receive a cost estimate by the end of the month, City Manager Dan Serna.

Serna said the expense will be part of the overall project cost.

The need to level construction sites is not unusual, Serna said.

“All projects require some level of fill,” he said. “You want to be at a certain elevation above the curb line so water can run off to the drainage.”

In a meeting January, architect Jeffrey Butler of the firm Butler, Rosenbury & Partners of Springfield, Mo., said fill dirt was needed to level what he described as a low-lying area at the construction site along Teege and Brazil roads in the Harlingen Heights business district.