UTRGV students, faculty honored with 27 RGV-ADDYs

BY Gail Fagan

UTRGV students and faculty picked up armloads of honors for creative excellence at the American Advertising Federation (AAF)-Rio Grande Valley ADDY awards competition in February.

The annual competition recognizes the work of the Rio Grande Valley’s marketing and advertising community in the areas of local media, including print, broadcast, interactive, out-of-home and public service.

The AAF provides professional level and student competitions. Gold winners at the local level can go on to compete at a district level, and winners there can enter the national ADDY competition.

“Joining American Advertising Awards is a precious chance for students to not only showcase their artistic talent and creativity, but also encourage students to explore their creativity in a way that will foster a lifelong love of the arts,” said Ping Xu, assistant professor of graphic design, who taught many of the winning students. “It is our honor that our students’ outstanding designs were recognized by the advertising world.”


Gold and Best of Show:

· Jacqueline Maldonado – Words Do Not Define Us – Poster – Single


· Melissa Buenrostro – Senior Exhibit Poster – Out-of-Home – Outdoor & Transit Advertising – Campaign

· Alexandra Gonzalez – Hello – Sales & Marketing – Stationary Package – Single or Multiple Pieces

· Belinda Gonzalez – David Bowie Art Nouveau – Poster – Single

· Samuel Hernandez – TechWard – Publication Design – Cover/Editorial Spread or Feature – Series

· Eva Larraga – Sante Magazine – Publication Design – Cover/Editorial Spread or Feature – Series

· Jacqueline Maldonado – Opinion of the President – Poster – Single

· Jessica Villanueva – GOTV Poster – Poster –Single


· Angel San Agustin – Fashionista – Publication Design – Cover/Editorial Spread or Feature – Sports

· Julio Aranda – Phubbing Campaign – Poster – Campaign

· Megan Gonzalez – Food Flight – Illustration

· Ricardo Guzman – Half a Dollar – Poster – Single

· Monica Lugo – Varte – Logo Design

· Araceli Martinez – Mother Dear – Poster – Single

· Arael Meza – Pixelin BRM-Liberarte Magazine – Sales & Marketing – Special Event Materials

· Maria Ruiz – IMAS Logo Redesigned – Logo Design

· Maria Ruiz – IMAS Redesign Stationary Package – Sales & Marketing – Stationary Package – Single or Multiple Pieces

· Samantha Ruiz – FIANCEE – Publication Design – Cover/Editorial Spread for Features – Series

· Victoria Suarez – Illustration – Illustration

· Victoria Suarez – Logo – Logo Design

· Victoria Suarez – Poster – Poster – Single

· Jorge Villarreal – Saturated Analog – Illustration

· Mariana Zapata – The Land of Opportunity – Poster – Single

Brenda Gonzalez’s Gold Award-winning entry – David Bowie Art Nouveau poster – went on to win a Silver Award at the regional level competition, which encompasses entries from all of Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas and Oklahoma.

See the winning students’ work here.

At the professional level, Xu was one of two UTRGV faculty members who also received RGV ADDY awards.

Xu won the following:

· Gold – AJGA GOTV 2016 Poster – Out-Of-Home & Ambient Media – Poster ­– Single Unit

· Silver ­– Study & Travel in China, 2016 Photography Show Poster – Out-Of-Home & Ambient Media – Poster – Single Unit

· Silver – UTRGV Study Abroad 2017 Poster – Out-Of-Home & Ambient Media – Poster – Single Unit

Associate Professor of Graphic Design Robert Gilbert, who taught some of the award-winning students, also won a Gold ADDY for “I Will See You Across the River” in the Out-Of-Home & Ambient Media – Poster Campaign category. Gilbert’s entry advanced to the regional level, where it won a Bronze ADDY.