Rio Hondo at it again

I see the signs are going up for the Rio Hondo School Board election. Well, Its time to remember an election that happened last year.

One that was kept in the dark by the current administration.

One that denied voters the right to express their opinions on a $20 million bond election to build a new middle school.

Out of nearly 1,500 registered voters, 122 voted. That is less than 10 percent.

The election was ruled legal by the office of the Secretary of State but it was less than ethical. The sitting school board voted to go along with it.

They were and apparently still are ready to spend taxpayer money on a new school when there was still $18 million owed on the 20 year old high school.

There are other considerations, as well. The average daily attendance is still dropping, there are already five campuses that are not full, and the quality of education is less than what it has been and certainly less than it should be.

There is no doubt that repairing and upgrading what we have would cost considerably less than buying property and building another school.

These folks need to be held accountable for their actions. It is time for them to face the music.

There are four incumbent trustees up for re-election. It would be good to promote them all back to taxpayer in the May election.

Sincerely, Dennis & Diana Bates, Rio Hondo Voters and Taxpayers