Driving away business? Industrial park road repairs could cost $6 million

SAN BENITO — Along the San Benito Industrial Park, potholes scar streets riddled in thick patches of black top.

For decades, heavy traffic has stripped the bumpy streets of their asphalt.

Now, members of the San Benito Industrial Foundation, which oversees the park, are calling for repairs, City Manager Manuel De La Rosa said yesterday.

But it would cost the city about $6 million to repair the streets, De La Rosa told city commissioners earlier this week.

Officials are concerned street conditions could drive away prospective businesses from the industrial park.

“The roads are in pretty terrible shape,” De La Rosa said. “It’s hard to recruit business when streets are deteriorating.”

The streets in the worst condition are Amistad Drive and Utex Drive, where the San Benito school district’s bus barn is located.

“That’s really torn up because of all the buses,” City Commissioner Esteban Rodriguez said of Utex.

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