Christians should honor and respect the people

BY Bill Reagan

If the recent election has told us anything, it is that a substantial proportion of the American people are really angry.

As a Christian and a pastor I am especially concerned about the anger harbored by so many of my faith. Even more, the way in which so many of my fellow Christians have behaved toward the two candidates.

So, how should Christians react to the election of Donald Trump? We should do what the Bible tells us to do. The Bible is crystal clear that Christians should honor and respect the sovereign.

In the United States the sovereign is not the President, but “We the people.” We the people have elected Donald Trump President of the United States. You don’t have to like him. If you are a Christian you must show him respect. In America, we respect our leaders because they are appointed by the sovereign, and the sovereign is appointed by God.

Christians should pray. I often hear Christian friends encourage one another to “pray for our country” because our country is in trouble — a tacit criticism of President Obama. Pray for God to bless, protect and give wisdom to President Obama, and now President- elect Trump. He will need extraordinary stamina, wisdom and perspective to execute successfully the duties of his office.

And we must participate. The election of Mr. Trump challenges Christians to stand up for our Constitution and the separation of powers because he is unprepared by experience and temperament for the office he will occupy. We Christians must make it clear to him that he is accountable to the sovereign, “We the people.”

America is a pretty great country. I always leave the voting booth head high, shoulders held back, with confidence in my stride. For those few moments I am as powerful as Mr. Obama or Mr. Trump. Our elections are often messy. This one was just plain ugly. Nevertheless, since 1797 power has been transferred peacefully, not from one sovereign to another, but from one occupant of the office of President of the United States to another.

Bill Reagan is executive director of Loaves & Fishes of the Rio Grande Valley.