Experience with the Supernatural: Corina Acosta

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is part two of two. Read part one of this story online at www.valleystar.com

SAN BENITO – Don’t believe in ghosts? Well, Corina Acosta’s chilling account might make you think twice.


After a multitude of sightings and occurrences, Acosta finally decides to look for answers to the strange phenomenon’s plaguing her home. However, she goes about it in a very unorthodox way – contacting the dead.

“I decided to use a ouija board to find out what is going on at home,” explained Acosta. “First question I asked was ‘is there something in this house?’ it moved to ‘yes’. Next I asked ‘what is your name’ and it spelled out Alex. I proceeded and asked ‘Why are you here?’ and it spells out dead or died I really can’t remember which. So I asked ‘How did you die?’ and it says burned, I asked ‘How?’ and it replies car accident.”

Acosta finally had the answers she was looking for.


Years passed and Acosta got used to having the spirit in the house and after a while she even began to communicate with it.

“After a few years pass and I began feel like it was protecting me and my daughter from everything else,” explained Acosta. “He would like to play tricks on people but he was also jealous of any men that would come to the house. “But Alex’s biggest issue was when people would cuss.”

Acosta explains that many of her male friends that enter the home would get pushed in and around the house. However, she also noticed Alex would get agitated and angry when visitors would begin to curse.

“One time my niece and her boyfriend were arguing in the living room,” said Acosta. “I was cooking in the kitchen when some clothes pins that I had lying on the counter started flying towards them and they just ran out of the house.

“Till this day she still won’t come into the house.”

Despite the mischievous behavior Acosta recalls other instances where Alex would like to play tricks on visitors.

“Alex would like to play pranks on people as well,” Acosta said. “One time my babysitter and I were sitting on the table and we were going over some of my finances. I had just paid her $100 a few minutes before and I was going over some of my bills when I noticed I was not going to be able to cover all of my expenses.

“My babysitter was talking to me and said ‘if it helps I’ll give you back the $100 and you can pay me next week’ I said are you sure and she replied ‘yes’. As she reaches for her wallet to pull out the $100 bill she noticed that it wasn’t in the pocket she had put it in. She began emptying out her wallet but the money was nowhere to be found.”

Knowing that Alex had liked to play tricks on her and her friends, Acosta tells Alex to give it back.

“I say Alex put the money back where it was,” she said. “We gave it a few minutes when we checked the same pocket again and there was a single dollar bill in it. The lady was shocked because she said that when she came over she had no money what so ever. She wasn’t sure where the dollar bill had come from.

“I tell Alex again ‘no Alex put all of it back’. We waited a few more minutes before we checked it again and when she did the $100 dollar bill was in there.”


At the time of the past incident Acosta was a nurse and tending to one of her dialysis patients when they begin to talk about the paranormal. Acosta explained the occurrences that were happening at home to her and she tells Acosta of someone that could help — her mother.

“Her mother was known to many to have a sixth sense and would tell me what I had at my house,” explained Acosta. “When she finally went to the house she stopped right after getting out of her house and said ‘did you know you have three demonic entities that were just sitting on her front porch. She explained that they had been there for a very long time and she said that they don’t like people coming over. Which was strange because I hadn’t told her anything about that.

“She walked around the house and pointed out the room and said there was something evil in that room. I didn’t have to tell her what room.”

Acosta asks if she could remove the spirits and she says, ‘yes, but I can’t do it alone.’

Acosta asks her brother George Acosta who had been a pastor, but had no experience in exorcisms, and he agreed.

“She began walking around the house saying something while George was reading passages from the Bible,” said Acosta.

“I remember that day because that was the first time I had ever done anything like that,” said George. “I kept reading from the Bible as we walked the entire house until she was finished.

“Afterwards she said now lets continue with the outside of the house. We walked around the whole yard until we came to a certain spot and she said ‘stop, right here. Grab a shovel and a black trash bag.’”

She instructs George to close his eyes and no matter what he hears do not open his eyes.

“I said OK. I began to dig and dig until I could hear something,” said George. “She says ‘reach in and grab it and put it in the bag, but do not let it go.’ So I agree, I reached in and grabbed something and placed it in the bag.

“I opened my eyes and I could see the bag moving around and shaking everywhere. It was screeching like something I had never heard before. She then said lets go.”

George and the lady get into his car and drive. As they were driving she says, ‘Stop, throw it here. It’s going to go back to whomever placed it at the house.’

“So I gladly threw it out,” said George. “But curiosity got me because I just had to look and see what was going to come out of that bag. “I was weird because it looked like a black squid or octopus that just took off running. It really freaked me out.”

Now Acosta says that its been years since she has had any type of phenomenon’s around the house. But some of her closest family and friends still refuse to step inside her house.