San Benito springs a leak

SAN BENITO — Crews worked all day yesterday and will continue until they fix a waterline break that disrupted the city’s water pressure all day.

City officials last night authorized the city manager to take appropriate measures to make repairs as needed caused by the break in a water main that serves as a water source at Water Plant No.1.

The break was located at the underground header, which is a connection point after treated water is fed to distribution lines, the city’s Public Works Department reported.

At the time, officials were requesting a curtailed use of water as a preventive measure. City Manager Manuel De La Rosa said the water pressure measured at 27 psi and urged residents to conserve water. If it had measured at 20 psi, the city would have had to request residents to boil their water.

For the day, Harlingen provided pressure and water to San Benito.

As of right now, the city’s water pressure is back to normal and the city is receiving no help from Harlingen.

Efforts to repair the water break will continue until the problem is remedied.

As commissioners discussed the issue last night, De La Rosa said he was unable to provide cost estimates at the time.

However, he requested commission approval in the event costs exceed $10,000.

He did say the repairs could cost between $10,000 and $15,000.

When the news broke of the break, the city alerted residents via press releases to the media and online through social media sites like Facebook.

However, Mayor Celeste Sanchez said some businesses were unaware of the water issue that affected the whole city.

Sanchez urges all resident to look on the city’s website for the latest reports of any incidents or news.