Taking Care of Business: Edgar De Anda

MERCEDES — For as long as Edgar De Anda can remember, he’s always liked getting rid of bugs and rodents.

Growing up, De Anda enjoyed coming up with ways to help remove the bothersome pests in the crops he tended as a farmer in Mexico.

De Anda went on to study agronomy in college and eventually moved to Texas in 2011.

“I have been around pest control pretty much my whole life,” De Anda said.

He changed careers when he moved to the United States.

He began working in sales, then construction and along the way learned the importance of communication in the business world.

He worked with Pioneer in Weslaco and then landed a job with Texas A&M Citrus Center’s research department.

“I had this feeling that I needed to start a business,” De Anda said. “I needed something related to my field and background.”

And finally in April, after many jobs and working for business owners, De Anda said he was ready to start his own business.

He established Venibra Pest Control.

“South Texas is the ideal place to work in the pest control business,” De Anda said.

He enjoys chasing and spraying down cockroaches, ants, spiders, rats, mice, ticks, possums, bees, wasps and mosquitoes that have become a bother to people.

“I have been traveling the Valley helping families and businesses get rid of insects and pests,” De Anda said.

He did work for a short time with a pest control business.

He said when he found he could earn a license for pest control, he studied the material and passed the test.

De Anda said he went back to his roots to create his own job and find his passion that he can use to help people.

“It’s rewarding when people thank me for helping them get rid of their pest problems,” he said.