You can help flood victims

HARLINGEN — The City of Harlingen is collecting items for the Louisiana flood victims through Sept. 15.

Items on the list may be dropped off at City Hall, 118 E. Tyler Ave.


Cleaning supplies mildew remover shockwave cleaner handsanitizer

trash bags gloves N-95 masks mops buckets boxes

paper towels toilet paper flashlights rubber gloves push brooms

plastic bins squeeges backpacks markers crayons car seats

school uniforms toiletry items towels dog & cat food batteries

gatorade snack bars sanitary napkins plastic utensils baby wipes

plastic plates diapers socks, shoes pillows tuna spam

antacids adult diapers multivitamins screwdrivers scrubbers

water utility knives extension cords bug repellant bug spray

shovels carpet cutters hammers pepto bismol