Santa Rosa hosts National Night Out

SANTA ROSA — Police officers, leaders in the community and residents enjoyed music and hot dogs at this week’s National Night Out.

“I feel pretty good about the turnout and having the community support,” Santa Rosa Police Chief Ronnie Hernandez said. “It was a good National Night Out.”

A lot of kids looked forward to the event and plenty of people from the community were in attendance.

Officers from police departments from surrounding cities were also in attendance.

The Fruity Villarreal band serenaded the crowd with its conjunto music while children met with the police, checked out police cars, bounced on the jumper castles and enjoyed the evening with family at Santa Rosa Park.

The Santa Rosa Warrior band played the National Anthem and the children of the city led in the pelage of allegiance.

“It’s extremely important that our youngsters see that the parents and the grown-ups are involved with law enforcement so they can see the camaraderie and respect that they have for our law enforcement,” Santa Rosa Mayor Andres Contreras said.

Contreras said events like this make a good impression on the children.

“They will grow up appreciating the impact that our police have on our community,” Contreras said. “Our police department led by our Chief Ronnie Hernandez has been very proactive in bringing things to our community and getting involved with our youngsters.”

He said police seek opportunities to make a positive impact on the community.

“It’s a great event and it brings our community all together,” said Maribel Rojas, a Santa Rosa resident. “It’s helping out our students.”

Rojas said her children had a blast at the event and had a great time meeting with the police from around the area.

“It’s truly a blessing when you get the community to come out and enjoy a wonderful event like this where you have all of our first responders,” Justice of the Peace Mike Trejo said. “My hat is off to the first responders because day in and day out they are putting there life on the line for me and my family and all of our community.”

Trejo said this is a great event to get the community to know and interact with first responders and to know they are their friends and they are here to help.

“The first responders had some booths, they were giving away some great gifts to the children,” Trejo said. “It’s all about our kids and to teach them to do the right thing and to know they have somebody to turn to and can trust — our first responders.”