Cameron County delegates attend noisy GOP convention

SAN BENITO — Among the delegates at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland that kicked off yesterday are three from Cameron County.

They include Rey Gonzalez, a congressional candidate from San Benito and Brad Burkes, pastor of Embassy of the Spirit Church in Brownsville.

Both spoke via cell phone as they were en route to the convention from their hotel yesterday.

Burkes said it was “anybody’s guess” what would happen once things got underway in light of the various factions — pro-Trump, never Trump, free-the-delegates — though he guessed the GOP’s presumptive nominee would win the nomination on the first round of voting.

“If that’s not the case, it could be anything,” he said.

The convention got off to a raucous start yesterday afternoon, with anti-Trump delegates noisily trying to force a protest vote in an attempt to derail Trump, though the effort was shot down by the convention chairman.

Burkes conceded Trump was his least favorite of the Republican candidates for president.

“There are obvious things that bother me about him, but if the alternative is Hillary Clinton then I’m all for him,” he said.

Burkes, a pledged delegate for Sen. Ted Cruz, said his main concern is religious freedom and that he opposes Clinton because he believes she is anti-Christian. Burkes attended the 2000 Republican National Convention in Philadelphia as a guest.

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