Luna faces second arrest within week

PRIMERA — Primera resident Richard Luna, 39, who was arrested last week for indecency with a child was arrested again, along with his wife.

After issuing a search warrant at their apartment on Monday, police arrested Luna and his wife Ann Valderas, 37, and charged both with possession of marijuana.

Police said the search warrant was part of an ongoing investigation, in which Luna was arrested last week and charged with indecency with a child and furnishing alcohol to a minor.

Police said the mother of the 15-year-old girl filed a report that Luna touched her daughter.

“She was a guest at the Luna residence when the act took place. The victim further stated Luna gave her several assorted prescription pills and an alcoholic drink to swallow the pills. That’s when the act took place,” police said in a news release.

He was then arraigned by Justice of the Peace Eloy Cano, who set his bond at $50,000.

As a result of the search warrant, officers seized a steel safe that was found in the couple’s bedroom.

A second search warrant was obtained by the officers allowing them to open the safe. Once the safe was open, officers located two jars containing approximately 2 -1/2 ounces marijuana.

Both have been transported to the county jail.