ACT call center to add 330 new jobs

HARLINGEN – Advanced Call Center Technologies continues its growth spurt in Harlingen.

Already one of the larger employers in the city, ACT will ramp up hiring this month by adding 330 new employees, said Lyle Garza, commercial recruitment/retention manager and director of marketing for the Harlingen Economic Development Corp.

Garza told HEDC board members last week ACT, which already employs 756 workers, also has raised its starting wage from the minimum of $7.25 in Texas to $8 an hour.

Calls to the company for comment were not returned.

To apply for openings at ACT, go online to

Garza also told board members call center Qualfon is nearly finished building out its second floor to add office space that will enable it to expand from about 250 workers it has now.

The call center is located at 2200 Haine Dr.

To check on job availability at Qualfon, go online to

At the HEDC meeting, the board denied incentive proposals for Project Stack in which a retailer requested up to $750,000 of infrastructure and other onsite improvements.

Also, the board declined to meet a request by Project Forest, in which a developer for several restaurants requested $83,000 of infrastructure and improvements.

Both decisions were reached in executive session. The HEDC uses code names for projects to ensure confidentiality in dealing with prospective businesses seeking to locate in the city.