Harlingen schedules Trash-Off Day next month

HARLINGEN — The next Trash-Off Day may have added significance due to the Zika virus.

The next community junk day is scheduled for June 11 at Casa de Amistad at 1204 Fair Park Blvd. from 8 to 11 a.m.

The threat of Zika virus transmitted by mosquitoes means people should bring in any used tires that have been sitting outside.

Zika virus causes birth defects in infants, can cause fever and joint pain and has been linked to the paralyzing syndrome called Guillain-Barre.

There is no vaccine or cure.

Esmeralda Guajardo, Cameron County health administrator, said earlier this year it’s not a matter of if, but a matter of when Zika becomes widespread in the Rio Grande Valley.

To date, Texas has recorded more than 30 cases of travel-related Zika virus.

The Zika virus is transmitted primarily by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which is common in the Valley. This species of mosquito can be identified by its small size, the white stripes on its legs and its habit of biting during daylight hours.

One of its favorite breeding sites is stagnant water found in old tires piled outdoors.

Harlingen residents can drop off up to four tires at Casa de Amistad during Trash-Off Day.

On the previous Trash-Off Day, held in March, 6.7 tons of debris was dropped off for recycling or removal, including 100 tires.

As always, however, there are some rules with Trash-Off Day.

Anyone who wants to drop off items must be a Harlingen resident and prove it by showing a current water bill and valid identification.

Second, no contractors are allowed: It’s residential only.

Third, trash must be delivered by car or truck and trailer only.

Suggested items for the trash pile are furniture, appliances (nothing with Freon, so no air-conditioners), tires and electronic devices.

What isn’t going to be accepted are hazardous waste, paint in liquid form, concrete, batteries, motor oil or brush and tree limbs.

Volunteers will be on hand to help residents unload debris and trash from vehicles.

More Information on Trash-Off Day

Questions about what trash will be accepted?

Call Code Enforcement at (956) 216-5200 for advice.