Coming together against drugs

RAYMONDVILLE — A local anti-drug campaign will bring its message to skateboarders and other young people today as Veterans Park opens here.

Communities Against Drug Abuse, or CASA, will warn youths of the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse as they gather for the opening of Raymondville’s first skateboard park.

The event is part of the national campaign “Strong as One, Stronger Together,” said Rosalie Tristan, CASA’s coordinator.

Tristan said the new $1 million park featuring a sports complex near one of the city’s poorest neighborhoods gives young people the tools to live healthier lives.

“It gives the kids an alternative to drugs, gangs and things they face every day,” Tristan said. “It shows kids there are opportunities for them.”

Speakers will include Willacy County District Attorney Bernard Ammerman and Raymondville Police Detective Denise Ledesma.

In Willacy County, statistics show, on average, children take their first alcoholic drink at 12.

Tristan pointed to statistics showing alcohol or drugs were involved in at least 12 automobile accidents that resulted in injuries here in 2014.

The event is set for 5 p.m. at the park at the corner of First Street and Durango Avenue.

For more information, call Tristan at 956-699-5019.