Santa Rosa senior talks sports

SANTA ROSA — Santa Rosa senior Manny Sanchez is a multi-sport athlete and is preparing for his final postseason as a Warrior.

Get to know the senior infielder a little more.

Age: 18

Class: Senior

Q: How long have you played baseball and why did you pick up the sport?

A: I have played since I was old enough to pick up a bat. I love the game and when I got to high school, I wanted to pick up my game and for the past four years, I have improved each and every year.

Q: What’s the most challenging part about the sport?

A: Fielding. You have to know the situation, especially with the game on the line.

Q: What is it about the program that motivates you?

A: The coaches tell us to go at it at 110 percent, not to give up and to finish strong and always finish the play.

Q: How do you prepare for a big game?

A: I get rest, focus and really just don’t talk to anyone. I like to focus mentally during the pregame.

Q: What is your best memory playing the game?

A: As a freshman, we won our final district game to go to the playoffs.

Q: What other sports do you play?

A: I play basketball, run cross-country and play golf.

Q: What other hobbies do you have?

A: I go to church every once in a while and I really like drawing.

Q: What is your favorite subject in school and why?

A: I like math because, like sports, I’m pretty good at it.

Q: What are your plans after high school?

A: I plan on staying around here for two years to get my basics in kinesiology and then go to Kingsville.

Q: Favorite food?

A: Hamburgers because it’s basically all I eat before every game.

Q: Favorite music?

A: Christian music

Q: Who are your heroes?

A: My dad and my grandpa, because they push me to do more and to always give 110 percent and never give up on what I love to do.