Palm Valley adopts parking ordinance

PALM VALLEY – Residents with golf carts and motorcycles can officially and legally park those vehicles in their driveway or in front of their homes without concerns.

On Tuesday, the city council adopted an amendment to the parking ordinance that now addresses that issue. Prior to the change, neither golf carts or motorcycles were allowed to be parked in driveways or the front yard area for more than three days out of every 30 days.

It was determined last month following a discussion between the board, Police Chief Alvaro Garcia and city attorney Jason Mann, the parking ordinance needed a rewrite.

Last month, the question was whether the city could enforce the parking ordinance regarding trailers being parked in driveways. According to Mann, parking of those types of vehicles are restricted to three days every 30 days.

The regulations, are stipulated under Title VII Vehicle Code.

Trailers and recreational vehicles of different sorts can be parked behind a fence or in the backyard where they are not visible from the roadway.

But, they can’t be parked in the front yard or driveway. Last month, that code included golf carts and motorcycles in the same category as trailers.

The change added those two vehicles as exemptions to that code, now allowing them to be parked in driveways.

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