Corridor agreement allows wildlife to traverse port property

BROWNSVILLE — Annova LNG has agreed to relocate its planned project in response to concerns that the proposed liquefied natural gas plant at the Port of Brownsville would prevent wildlife from moving between the Boca Chica area south of the Brownsville Ship Channel and Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge to the north.

BND Chairman Ralph Cowen said Annova agreed to relocate slightly in order to preserve animals’ access to a wildlife-crossing culvert under state Highway 48 that leads to the Bahia Grande wetland, which is part of the Laguna Atascosa refuge.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and BND, which oversees the port, announced the plan on April 22.

“This project was going to infringe on the existing wildlife corridor, so we’re going to move everything over,” Cowen said. “Annova has agreed to lease a few more acres. It’s going to cost them money, but they’ve agreed to move their project over to the southwest. That will keep that wildlife corridor intact.”

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