Rescued sea turtles released into the Gulf of Mexico

Meatball had to get used to swimming without her front flipper. The Atlantic Green sea turtle was rescued in 2015.

And now, after her stay at Sea Turtles Inc. she and her two buddies Mitch and Liz are ready for their natural habitat again — the ocean.

The three sea turtles will be released this evening after completing their two year rehabilitation at the South Padre Island turtle rescue organization.

Meatball lost a flipper while entangled in a plastic bag, Mitch was attacked by a predator and Liz was injured in the jetties.

“One of our mission’s is to treat and release injured turtles,” said Jeff George, executive director at Sea Turtles Inc. “In a year’s time we treat at least 100 turtles.”

You can watch today’s sea turtle release at 6 p.m. by logging on to