What a great time in San Benito

(Originally sent to the City of San Benito’s Public Relations Office.) I am so glad that you sent me the information for the weekend. Several of us were able to make it up to watch the re-enactments of the battles of Gonzales, the Alamo and San Jacinto.

The $3 I spent for parking was the best $3 I have spent in my life. The re-enactments were so well choreographed and executed. Every actor appeared enthusiastic in playing out his role. The costumes looked so authentic and the expert narration of Jack Ayoub brought history to life on that fairground field.

The actor playing Gen. Santa Anna did an outstanding job with his performance. It was too bad his mic didn’t always work. However his actions while planning the battle and the manner in which he presented the threats to the defenders made it very clear what was happening.

I was also impressed by the actor playing Col. Travis and greatly admired his heroic efforts to encourage his men to defend the Alamo to the last man.

The action was so realistic I actually caught myself holding my breath as the defenders valiantly attempted to fend off the overwhelming forces pitted against them. My emotions were mixed with sorrow and pride as I watched until the last defenders fell under a hail of bullets. My heart ached as I watched the few surviving wounded heros being shot and butchered. Then I felt the sorrow and misery of the women and children when they exited the Alamo to view the carnage displayed before them.

If more of the on field performers had microphones it would have enhanced the activities immensely. As it was, the large crowd sat spellbound during the entire performance watching as Jack Ayoub described the action unfolding on the field.

Afterward I was impressed by the way the actors stayed in character and were more than obliging in answering any questions I asked and gladly accommodated me with my request to have many pictures taken with them. For a short time last Saturday I was able to step back in time and witness three of the most important battles for Texas Independence. Kudos to everyone who was involved in these re-enactments.

I hope you realize that you are sitting on a gold mine. In my opinion, with the proper sponsorship and advertising San Benito would most definitely be able to show case an event that could easily achieve national acclaim.

I went home totally impressed and satisfied after watching these reenactments and couldn’t stop talking about what I had seen to other members of my Park (Palm Resaca in Brownsville).

I will definitely be back next year and from the enthusiasm I was able to muster from my fellow park residents there will be a huge gang from my park accompanying me as well.

Thank you, Alden Moore Brownsville