Prayer Breakfast nets $2K for medical benefit

HARLINGEN — One faith-based organization gave a helping hand to another with the healing touch.

“I’m excited and feel very hopeful,” said Dr. Stephen Robinson, a doctor for Culture of Life Ministries. “It’s nice to feel the support from the community to be able to do what you have a calling to do.”

Yesterday, the Harlingen Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast nonprofit awarded the Culture of Life Ministries’ medical ministry $2,000 and presented the check to Robinson to help continue the endeavor of serving people in need of medical services for free.

“I’m excited for all the folks that will benefit from this,” Robinson said. “It’s so neat to take something like this and put it to work to help people.”

The medical ministry is a free medical clinic at Loaves & Fishes in Harlingen. The office is open three days a week, Monday, Thursday and Friday.

It is a primary care practice that offers checkups, exams and screenings.

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If You Go

Doctor’s schedule at Loaves and Fishes located at 514 E Street:

Mondays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Thursdays 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Fridays 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.