San Benito City Commission to discuss projects

SAN BENITO — Last week, the San Benito City Commission postponed taking any action on a public swimming pool and skateboard park project until more information could be gathered.

Today they will meet in a special meeting to discuss both.

The meeting will take place at 5:30 p.m. at the San Benito Municipal Building, 401 North Sam Houston.

This item on the agenda was brought up close to the end of the meeting when City Manager Manual De La Rosa deferred the matter until the commission could participate in a workshop.

There city officials could meet with building consultants to discuss financial and development options.

These projects have been a topic in the community and among city officials for several years.

Mayor Celeste Sanchez said she wants to see both come to fruition by summer.

Any action on the swimming pool idea has been up in the air since it was introduced by former City Manager Manuel Lara several years ago.

The swimming pool has been closed a little more than seven years and the skate park has been closed for a little less than a year.