Happy to be in San Benito

SAN BENITO — Superintendent Dr. Adrian Vega knows the exact moment he was in complete awe of San Benito’s spirit.

It was Halloween and Vega was in town for his first interview with the school board.

It was also homecoming and the big game was that night. The Greyhounds were playing Harlingen South.

After settling in and grabbing some food, Vega decided to attend the game.

Sitting in a sea of purple and gold, Vega could remain anonymous.

“I’m like, alright. This is exciting,” Vega said. “The stands were filled and the drums and cheerleaders and the purple and the gold and the kids and the families.”

The intensity of the school spirit was all so exciting for him.

Vega sat there taking it all in thinking, “If I get this job, then I want to see what I get to be a part of,” he said. “I was blown away.”

The rock-n-roll styling’s of AC/DC started to play loudly pumping up the crowd and that’s when Vega heard it.

“Release the Hounds!”

“I jumped up! I was like wow, that’s powerful,” Vega said.

The phrase used at every football game made him think.

The reason that phrase was and is so powerful, Vega said was because every one of us human beings has a different side to us.

Everything from the loving side to the angry side of us. We are all human.

“Imagine if every single day we released the best side of us. What that could transpire or become,” Vega said. “Every day we have an opportunity to impact the lives of kids and imagine what we can do if we release the best side of us.”

Releasing Vega’s best self is something he is in the process of doing when moving the district forward.

After a little more than a month at the helm, he has made definite strides and plans to make more.

He discussed his plans yesterday morning with the San Benito Chamber of Commerce at their new weekly coffee and breakfast meeting.

Right now, he is in the process of gathering data from every facet of the district.

So far, he has spent time with personnel at every campus in the district, including the bus barn, food service, district police and maintenance department and staff.

He also has met with secondary principals, department directors and the superintendent council.

During every meeting, Vegas said he has asked three questions in an effort to gain feedback.

With the purpose of listening, the questions touch on what the district does well, could do better and any concerns on what is and what isn’t working.

Vega will continue to meet with various groups until he gains a large enough sample size of feedback.

Last week, the school board approved his request to conduct a comprehensive district-wide efficiency audit and a curriculum audit.

“The purpose of these two audits is to provide me, parents, community and staff with a picture of the state of the district,” Vega said.

“From these findings we will be able to better plan around the district’s strengths and address the district’s shortcomings.”

The findings from the questions and audits will eventually be shared with everyone.

This information, Vega hopes, will lead to a stable five-year strategic plan.