Strong number of voters cast early ballots for Willacy election

RAYMONDVILLE — Voters turned out in strong numbers to cast early ballots in Tuesday’s pri-mary election, in part drawn to the polls by a hotly-contested race in which longtime Willacy County Commissioner Fred Serrato faces three opponents.

Voters cast 1,450 early ballots during the two-week period in this county with 11,929 registered voters, surpassing num-bers of votes cast during the 2012 primary election, whose ballot included a presidential race.

“It was significant,” Lefty Cavazos, chairman of the Willacy County De-mocratic Party, said after the polls closed yesterday.

Voters cast 1,200 early ballots in the 2012 pri-mary, surpassing that number in the 2014 pri-mary, when 1,565 voters cast early ballots.

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