Gas service employee saves mother and daughter from house fire

SAN BENITO — While on the job Donovan Martinez, 34, became a hero.

Last month, the Texas Gas Service employee helped save the life of a San Benito mother and her young daughter.

He was working in the area near their house when he and a neighbor saw smoke coming from a window.

Martinez, who has been with Texas Gas Service for a little more than a year, grabbed the fire extinguisher from his truck while the neighbor ran to the house to see if anyone was home.

It was occupied.

When he knocked on the door, a young girl answered.

“When the door opened, we saw the smoke inside,” Martinez said. “I glanced in and saw a fire.”

A pan on the stove was on fire as well as the electric stove.

Despite the thought of possible danger, Martinez acted quickly.

He put out the fire and sprayed the pan, dousing the flames. The stove was too hot to touch so Martinez ran outside and flipped off the breakers to prevent further danger.

While the stove was cooling off, Martinez went back to work to complete his original order, his reason for being in the right place at the right time.

After he finished his work, he came back to check on the woman and her daughter.

When asked what he thought, Martinez reflects, “I don’t know. It’s something that when it happens, you hope someone would do it for your family as well,” he said.

“I saw it happen, knew what I needed to do and got it done. It’s also a good lesson to make sure you have working smoke detectors throughout your house.”

Martinez’s bosses couldn’t be happier with the way he demonstrated his safety and professional skills that day.

“We are proud of our employees’ dedication, effort and concern about the communities where we work and live. Donovan went above and beyond when he helped put out a stove fire, saving a mom and her young daughter,” gas service officials said.

Then he went back to work to take care of customers.