Laguna Vista holding warrant roundup

LAGUNA VISTA — Municipal Court has hundreds of active warrants totaling $1.32 million in fines that it is seeking to clear.

To alleviate the current warrant backlog, the town is participating in the 2016 Great Texas Warrant Round-Up.

Laguna Vista will be among 300 jurisdictions across the state that will engage in this law enforcement campaign that begins this week.

“We are participating in this statewide warrant roundup because we owe it to the law-abiding citizens who are expecting us to do what is right and are, at the same time, holding us accountable,” said City Manager Rolando Vela.

“It’s important that if you have an active warrant to call our office and take care of it immediately.”

Municipal Court officials are encouraging defendants to take advantage of the options being available to settle outstanding warrants immediately.

More than 800 letters are expected to be mailed out during the month of February, Vela said.

No amnesty is being offered in conjunction with this statewide warrant roundup.

Once the arrest period begins, police officers will aggressively target persons on the warrant list and arrests can take place at any location, including the defendant’s home, school or workplace.

“The town will have two full-time police officers rounding up defendants with active warrants,” Vela said.

The town will be having “Roundup Day” on Saturday, Feb. 20.

The town’s police officers will be rounding up defendants that day from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Municipal Judge Jeremy SoRelle will be in the courtroom to magistrate the defendants who are brought in.

How to respond

If you receive a letter, you can either call 1-877-234-9790 or you can drop by the Town of Laguna Vista, 122 Fernandez, to pay. Fines also may be paid by mail with a money order or cashier’s check.