LETTERS: Opposing immigration, Trump, former DA and McAllen District 1 candidate

Opposing immigration

This is in response to Dr. Philip Zwerling’s recent letter. It may surprise you to know that the Valley harbors many conservative citizens who take offense to liberal ideology. Many from the area believe in border security and making our country great again. I am considering dropping my subscription to The Monitor because it has been influenced greatly by liberals and does not provide unbiased presentations of our president. We have already dropped the San Antonio News-Express for the same reasons. The only reason I have kept The Monitor is because of the local news, but I can get that online now. So I suggest that The Monitor begins providing fair reporting and get away from fake news providers.

Homer Garza , McAllen

‘Ridiculous’ president

Building a ridiculous border wall, profiling Muslins and a Mexican-American federal judge, accusing Mexicans of being rapists. Using deplorable/vulgar slurs towards African nations and Haiti immigrants!

I never thought I would ask President Donald Trump this question: “Who are you?”

This is debilitating and exhausting!

Mary Martinez, McAllen

Irene Garza verdict

I read with great interest the story of Irene Garza in Texas Monthly. I almost had more trouble believing that the former Hidalgo County District Attorney Rene Guerra would not take the case than that a priest would kill a woman. What a shameful man, I hope he can live with his arrogance. I think that there’s a better chance he get hit by lightning or win the lottery than he win the district attorney’s office again.

Dan Santos, El Paso

McAllen District 1 race

I have been a member of the McAllen community for almost 35 years. I raised my family and created lifelong friendships and professional relationships here. My husband served for over 30 years as a physician where I served alongside him and other great members of this community in various capacities. But I have never publicly voiced my concerns, opinions or general personal beliefs regarding politics and candidates running for office. But when I open The Monitor and see there is a sticker on the front reminding voters to endorse Timothy Wilkins — who is outspending his way into politics to manipulate his way into with the city commission — I must speak out. To me it is quite frightening to think there is a slight possibility he could win. One would hope, or expect, that some civic experience would be a mandate to hold office. This candidate has no history of positive civic contributions or experience in public service toward improving our amazing city. He cite “conflicts of interest” when discussing his opponents that are also seeking election. Ironic because one of Wilkins’ businesses is to contest residents’ property taxes. A business that no property owner can begrudge but, still should be considered when he may be on the commission influencing decisions for the district for which he may be representing. In today’s political landscape where unqualified individuals have been elected to some of the highest posts in our nation, it is important to look past rhetoric and stickers on your newspaper and be an informed voter.

Roberta Hohenstein, McAllen