LETTERS: Obamacare fallout and HCRMA appointment and Nassar sentencing

Obamacare fallout

My wife, who gets a modest pension from the Texas Teacher Retirement System, just received a letter stating that her health insurance will go up by $135 per month. One of her retired teacher friends, from Laredo, called and said her insurance was increasing by $400 per month. I explained to both that this is a result of the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare. Why?

What most people don’t know is that many of the provisions of Obamacare were programed to take effect after he left office. I believe he planned it that way so he would not be in office to take the blame.

So now it is 2018, Obama is gone and he has washed his hands of the mess he created. But all the working people and retirees are now stuck with the bill. Should we now say “Viva Obama?” Or should all who voted for him wondering why they did?

Guadalupe E. Aguirre, Edinburg

Hidalgo County RMA appointment questioned

That an appointment to the Hidalgo County Regional Mobility Authority Board would be subject to the personal bias of the appointing Hidalgo County Precinct 1 Commissioner, David Fuentes, is not surprising. Granted that the appointment be done within the letter of the law so as to be considered “legal.”

Just an observation: The current appointees are all either bankers and/or land developers with immense business financial interests dependent on where the money flows — money that could be directed to benefit and enhance their respective business projects. That, in itself, shows the inherent bias and partiality in where to direct the money.

Why are there no middle-class citizens involved in this process? We matter, too. There is something wrong with this picture.

Eduardo R. Estrada, Edinburg

Doctor sentencing ‘phony attack’ by father

Adult theater is inauthentic as Fox News. Anyone who knows our justice system knows the father of the three sexual assault victims of Larry Nassar was acting out a fantasy. He had already failed to protect his daughters and I believe that he felt he had to redeem himself with a fake attack. He knew no judge, in any court would grant him permission to beat Nassar for his crimes. He stole a page from President Donald Trump’s book for distracting, getting attention and three minutes of fame. His buddies at Local 665 union shop will undoubtedly pat his back, and applaud his performance. As far as drama is concerned, the only thing better is Judge Judy, more fake legal activity. Serious men don’t give warning. Let’s hope the phony attack did something for his children and his self esteem; it was entertaining. Bravery requires serious intention and dedicated participants.

Jorge Martinez,

Newman, California