Advice: Creative activities give your brain some peace


Have you ever observed children as they color? There is always a peaceful expression on their faces as they zone out everything but the sheet before them.

When we are children, we have opportunities to be creative without worrying how talented we may be.

In fact, most children consider themselves great at everything — that is until someone tells them they are not.

The freedom felt in adolescence is what makes childhood so wonderful. Being able to get up and dance when you want, or sing at the top of your lungs without worrying about how you sound, is a gift.

Our 10-year-old grandson loves magic. He watches tutorials on his tablet and has learned quite a few magic tricks.

Everywhere we went with him last weekend he made strangers smile by entertaining them with one of his magic tricks.

I hope the ease in which he interacts with people never changes. I believe being raised in a supportive home, as he is, enables him to try new things and be who we want to be.

Odds are he will not grow up to be a magician, but the experience he gains by performing his tricks to strangers and answering their questions is invaluable.

The innocence children have is something parents need to protect.

Eventually a child learns their limitations, but having that period in life when he or she is allowed to dream is what will get them through adulthood.

Children should be allowed to play and experiment with different things; they should have opportunities to channel their imagination.

If your child tells you they want to paint, buy them an easel. If she wants to take pictures, invest in a camera. Don’t ever feel as though you are throwing your money away.

The happiest adults are those that have an outlet for their creative energy. It can be doing a craft, baking, gardening, building something or painting— anything.

In order to stay sane during adulthood, it is a necessity to have a creative interest that allows you to zone out for a few hours.

Grown-up life is filled with responsibilities; most are not fun. When you do something you enjoy, you activate the positive and grow happier.

Allow your children to have a happy and creative childhood. Childhood is, after all, the foundation for their adult life.

Let them play. Allow them to dream. Eventually, they will grow up and find their destined path.

If lucky, they will also incorporate an activity to make them smile and help them get through the not-so-fun part of being an adult.

Maria Luisa Salcines is a freelance writer and certified parent educator with The International Network for Children and Families in Redirecting Children’s Behavior and Redirecting for a Cooperative Classroom.