Local congressmen denounce Trump administration’s plan to rescind DACA

U.S. Reps. Vicente Gonzalez (D-Texas) and Henry Cuellar (D-Laredo) released statements earlier today in response to U.S. Attorney General Jeff Session’s announcement that the Trump administration will move to terminate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.


“DREAMers have my full support. Ending DACA undercuts the stability, hope, and opportunities for nearly 800,000 DREAMers who arrived in America at a young age, and have contributed positively to our economy. I urge the president to rethink this misguided decision and call on my colleagues in Congress to defend the DACA program. These young people deserve the opportunity to live, study, serve, and work in the only country they call home — the United States of America.”


“In my home state of Texas over 120,640 young people, who have known no other country, have benefited from the DACA program. Of those, over 104,959 are working and contributing over $6 billion annually to the GDP. Ending this program, as the Trump Administration has announced today, is not only a failure on humanitarian grounds, but also economically. I will continue to fight to keep families together and to keep our American values strong while opposing the building of walls. We need a bipartisan comprehensive immigration approach to solve the challenges at our border and ensure that DREAMers have a place in the nation that they love. I call on my colleagues in Congress to act now and to stand up to protect families and the rights of everyone in our country.”